“No one is truly left behind until everyone is included.” – Catrina Davies

“Inclusion means that no one is left behind or excluded – everyone is given equal opportunities.” – Jennifer Lopez

“Society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable members. No one is left behind in a truly compassionate society.” – Michael J. Fox

“No one is left behind when we all embrace diversity and learn from each other’s unique strengths.” – Malala Yousafzai

“True leaders ensure that no one is left behind, using their power to uplift the weakest members of society.” – Michelle Obama

“A community’s strength lies in its ability to ensure that no one is left behind, regardless of their circumstances.” – Desmond Tutu

“No one is left behind when we open our hearts and minds to the needs of others.” – Maya Angelou

“In a world of inequality, justice is only served when no one is left behind.” – Nelson Mandela

“No one is left behind when we prioritize empathy, compassion, and understanding.” – Dalai Lama

“The true measure of a society’s progress is how it uplifts its marginalized citizens and ensures that no one is left behind.” – Barack Obama

“No one is left behind when we place human dignity and equality above all else.” – Kofi Annan I WILL CHOOSE YOU QUOTES

“Equality means ensuring that no one is left behind, regardless of their race, gender, or background.” – Serena Williams

“No one is left behind when we build bridges of inclusion and tear down walls of discrimination.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Society thrives when no one is left behind, and everyone is empowered to reach their full potential.” – Ellen DeGeneres

“No one is left behind when we create opportunities for all to succeed, regardless of their starting point.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Compassion is the key to ensuring that no one is left behind, as it compels us to understand and respond to the needs of others.” – Angelina Jolie

“No one is left behind when we embrace the power of unity and solidarity.” – John Lennon

“A prosperous society is one where no one is left behind, and everyone has equal access to opportunities.” – Bill Gates

“True success is measured by how many people we uplift, ensuring that no one is left behind in our pursuit of greatness.” – Richard Branson

“No one is left behind when we stand together as a global community and work towards a better future for all.” – Greta Thunberg