“We plan, God laughs.” – Unknown

“Man proposes, God disposes.” – Thomas a Kempis

“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” – Robert Burns

“We plan our careers, but God determines our destiny.” – Unknown

“When we make our plans, God chuckles.” – Unknown

“God’s plan will always supersede our own.” – Unknown

“Our plans may change, but God’s plan remains constant.” – Unknown

“God has a way of derailing our plans to guide us onto a better path.” – Unknown

“Make plans, but hold them lightly, for God’s plans may differ.” – Unknown

“We can plan all we want, but ultimately it’s God who orders our steps.” – Unknown

“We may think we know what’s best for us, but only God truly knows.” – Unknown LOSING YOUR BEST FRIEND QUOTES

“God’s plan may take us down unexpected roads, but it’s always for our good.” – Unknown

“Our plans may be limited, but God’s plans are boundless.” – Unknown

“God often laughs at our plans because His are far grander.” – Unknown

“Sometimes God laughs at our plans to remind us that He is in control.” – Unknown

“God laughs when we think we have it all figured out.” – Unknown

“When our plans fail, it’s often because God has something better in mind.” – Unknown

“We can make all the plans we want, but God’s timing is perfect.” – Unknown

“God finds humor in our limited understanding of His divine plans.” – Unknown

“When we surrender our plans to God, He surprises us with His grace.” – Unknown

“Laugh with God when your plans fall apart, for He has an even better plan waiting.” – Unknown