“Though you’re gone, you still live in my heart forever.”

“Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you, my sweet daughter.”

“In the midst of darkness, your memory shines bright.”

“Life may have taken you away, but your spirit will always remain with me.”

“I find comfort knowing you are at peace.”

“Remembering you is easy, it’s the pain of not having you that’s hard.”

“My heart broke the day you left, and it hasn’t been the same since.”

“Your absence has left an emptiness that cannot be filled.”

“The bond between a mother/ father and daughter is unbreakable, even by death.”

“To have had you in my life, even for a short time, was a gift I will forever cherish.”

“I carry the pain of your loss, but I also carry the joy of having known you.”

“I will forever hold on to the memories we created together.”

“Our love was supposed to last a lifetime, but your light was taken too soon.”

“You were the brightest star in my sky, and now you shine among the heavens.” PUTTING YOUR HEART INTO YOUR WORK QUOTES

“You may be gone, but you are still my guiding light.”

“Though I can no longer see you, I feel you everywhere.”

“Life may have taken you from my arms, but it can never take you from my heart.”

“Your loss has taught me the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.”

“Your absence in this world is a constant reminder of the preciousness of life.”

“Your death has left a void that can never be filled.”

“Your laughter and smile will forever be etched in my memory.”

“I am grateful for the time we had together, even though it was shorter than I hoped.”

“Your legacy lives on through the love and kindness you shared with others.”

“I will honor your memory by living the life you would have wanted for me.”

“The pain of losing you will never fully go away, but neither will the love I have for you.”

“Not even death can separate a mother/ father from their beloved daughter.”