“I don’t have the same fire in my belly as I used to. I want to look after the world, but I want to enjoy it too.”

“I have always found, too, an absence of any kind of mortal corruption, which has made me feel rather superior to other creatures.”

“A demon can get the hang of human standards, but an angel is a bit more challenged.”

“If I were ever to sin, it would be to protect the ones I love.”

“I’ve always said that I just don’t have the knack for being bad.”

“I don’t think I’ll make it as a tempter. I’m afraid I’m much too nice.”

“My dear, miracles don’t work that way. You can’t have one without the other.”

“I prefer to think that humans are fundamentally good, even with all their flaws.”

“I’ve always thought that love, true love, was the most powerful force in the universe.”

“Goodness is not about keeping score. It’s about doing what’s right, regardless of the consequences.”

“I’ve never understood why some beings take pleasure in causing pain and suffering.”

“Sometimes, the best way to fight evil is to be good.” INSPIRATIONAL BLM QUOTES

“I’ve always believed that laughter is a form of heavenly approval.”

“Hope is one of the most precious things we have. It’s what keeps us going in difficult times.”

“I have seen the best of humanity and the worst, but I still have faith in the goodness of people.”

“Humanity may be flawed, but it also possesses incredible potential for compassion and kindness.”

“Forgiveness is a powerful act. It allows us to let go of past hurts and heal.”

“Understanding is the key to peace. If we take the time to listen and empathize, we can bridge divides.”

“We all make mistakes, but it’s how we learn from them and grow that truly matters.”

“Love knows no boundaries. It transcends race, gender, and even species.”

“Perhaps the most important thing we can do is to treat others with kindness and respect.”

“Our actions have consequences, both good and bad. We must remember to choose wisely.”

“Sometimes, in order to save the world, you have to make sacrifices. But it’s worth it if it means preserving what’s good.”