“A person’s rudeness tells you more about them than it does about you.”

“Being rude is easy, it takes no effort. Being kind, on the other hand, takes inner strength.”

“Rudeness is a weak person’s imitation of strength.”

“A rude person will always find a reason to be rude, no matter what.”

“Politeness is free, rudeness is expensive.”

“You can’t argue with a rude person, their mind is too closed to reason.”

“Rudeness is the weak person’s attempt to feel powerful.”

“Being rude doesn’t make you right, it just makes you rude.”

“The only thing worse than a rude person is someone who condones their behavior.”

“Rudeness is the ultimate betrayal of basic human decency.”

“Being rude is a choice, just like being kind is.” POPE FRANCIS CHRISTMAS QUOTES

“Rudeness is never a valid form of communication.”

“A rude person may think they are enlightening others, but they are only showcasing their own ignorance.”

“Kindness always wins over rudeness in the long run.”

“Rudeness is a sign of a shallow character.”

“You can’t fix rudeness with more rudeness, only with kindness.”

“Rudeness is the coward’s way of asserting dominance.”

“A rude person may feel empowered in the moment, but they will ultimately lose respect.”

“There is no excuse for rudeness, regardless of the circumstances.”

“The world would be a much better place if rudeness was treated as a rarity instead of the norm.”