“Verily, the life of this world is but a fleeting enjoyment.” – Quran 57:20

“Remember that this world is just a temporary abode; prepare for the eternal one.” – Unknown

“The true believer views this world as a bridge to the Hereafter.” – Ibn Taymiyyah

“Don’t be deceived by the short-lived pleasures of this world, for true joy lies in seeking Allah.” – Unknown

“Time is the most precious asset; use it wisely in pursuing good deeds.” – Unknown

“Live your life with the awareness that every moment is a precious gift from Allah.” – Unknown

“Treat every day as if it were your last, for tomorrow is not guaranteed.” – Unknown

“Let go of worldly attachments and invest in the eternal rewards of the Hereafter.” – Unknown

“Remember death often, for it is the ultimate reality of this fleeting life.” – Unknown

“Time is a jewel, so don’t waste it on frivolous pursuits.” – Unknown

“Live each day with purpose and intention, for life is too short to be wasted.” – Unknown

“Strive for righteousness and leave a positive impact before your time on earth ends.” – Unknown DAUGHTER PRECIOUS QUOTES

“Don’t delay good deeds, for you never know when your last moment will come.” – Unknown

“Remember, life is too short to hold grudges or harbor negativity.” – Unknown

“Every day is an opportunity to strive for a better version of yourself.” – Unknown

“The true measure of success lies in the contentment and peace you find in your heart.” – Unknown

“This world is a test, and it will pass; focus on the everlasting success of the Hereafter.” – Unknown

“In the pursuit of material possessions, don’t forget to build the treasures of the Hereafter.” – Unknown

“The joys of Jannah (Paradise) await those who endure the challenges of this temporary life.” – Unknown

“Seek knowledge, for it is the key to unlocking the true purpose of life.” – Unknown

“Life is fleeting; don’t waste it chasing after worldly desires that hold no eternal value.” – Unknown

“Remember that our time in this world is limited, so make every moment count in the worship of Allah.” – Unknown