“Old friends are like diamonds, precious and rare.” – Unknown

“True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the best friends because they’ve been there through it all.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the comfort in our lives, the ones who know us inside out.” – Unknown

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Old friends are like pillars of strength in our lives, always there to support us.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make our past memories feel alive.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the best friends because they have seen us grow and evolve.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who can pick up right where we left off, no matter how much time has passed.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who remind us of who we were and help us become who we want to be.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who weather the storms of life with us.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make our hearts feel at home.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones we can be completely ourselves with, without any fear of judgment.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who have seen us at our worst and still choose to stay by our side.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who know all our secrets and love us anyway.” – Unknown QUOTE ABOUT MANIFESTING

“Old friends are the ones who bring out the best in us.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who celebrate our victories and help us through our defeats.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who know the sound of our laughter and can tell when something is wrong just by the look in our eyes.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make our lives richer, just by being a part of it.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make every moment together feel like a reunion.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make the world feel a little bit smaller and more familiar.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make us grateful for the journey we’ve been on together.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who bring back the fondest memories and create new ones.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who hold a special place in our hearts, no matter how long it has been since we last saw them.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who know our quirks and love us for them.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make life’s challenges a little easier to bear.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who remind us of our worth when we forget.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make us feel like we belong, no matter where we are.” – Unknown

“Old friends are the ones who make our lives brighter, simply by being in it.” – Unknown