“I asked my grandpa how he stays so sharp at his age. He replied, ‘I just make sure to never lose my car keys, because finding them would take me a week!'”

“I told my grandpa I wanted to be a comedian. He said, ‘Well, at least you’ll never run out of material with me around!'”

“My grandpa always gives me the best life advice. His latest gem was, ‘Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.'”

“My grandpa is a real expert on grilling. He says, ‘The secret to great BBQ is 90% patience and 10% sauce. And a little bit of beer for the chef.'”

“I asked my grandpa if he has any regrets in life. He said, ‘Only that I didn’t invent the internet. I could’ve been a millionaire!'”

“Spending time with my grandpa is like having a walking encyclopedia of random facts. It’s like Google, but with better stories and a bit more hair.”

“My grandpa loves to reminisce about the good old days. He says, ‘Back in my day, we didn’t have cell phones. If you wanted to talk to someone, you had to walk uphill, both ways, in the snow, just to use a payphone!'”

“My grandpa always says, ‘You know you’re getting old when everything hurts and what doesn’t hurt, doesn’t work.’ I hope I never get that old!”

“They say grandfathers are just antique little boys. Well, my grandpa is definitely the funniest antique I know!”

“My grandpa is a big fan of practical jokes. His favorite trick is hiding my phone and watching me search for it like a detective on a mission. He gets a real kick out of it!”

“Grandpa always has a witty response ready for any question. Once I asked him what’s the secret to a happy marriage. He said, ‘Just remember, happy wife, happy life, and lots of chocolate.'”

“My grandpa has a clever way of dealing with stress. He says, ‘Stress is when you wake up screaming and then realize you haven’t fallen asleep yet.’ I don’t know how he stays so Zen all the time!”

“My grandpa has a unique fashion sense. He proudly rocks his suspenders and says, ‘They hold up my pants and my dignity!'”

“My grandpa always says, ‘Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.’ That’s why he still rides his skateboard at 80!” FUNNY QUOTES ON GRANDPARENTS

“My grandpa loves telling knock-knock jokes. They’re mostly terrible, but I laugh anyway because his laughter is contagious.”

“I asked my grandpa if he has any hidden talents. He replied, ‘Well, I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. It’s my superpower!'”

“My grandpa always tells me, ‘If you can’t laugh at yourself, then you’re missing out on the funniest person in the room.’ He definitely practices what he preaches!”

“My grandpa is a real sports enthusiast. He says, ‘Getting old is like being a pitcher, your fastball may not be as fast, but you’ve got more curves to throw.'”

“My grandpa’s favorite quote about life is, ‘Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth!'”

“My grandpa is a master storyteller. He can make the most mundane event sound like an adventure. He’s like a human version of Netflix, always entertaining!”

“My grandpa always gives me the best life advice. He recently told me, ‘If you lend someone $50 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.'”

“My grandpa loves causing mischief. He says, ‘Growing up is highly overrated. Just ask my brother-in-law, who was once stuck in a shopping cart. We had to call the fire department to rescue him!'”

“My grandpa loves to remind me, ‘You’re never too old to learn something new. Just ask me; I just learned how to send email last month!'”

“My grandpa has the best golfing tips. He always says, ‘The key to a perfect swing is a good cup of coffee before you start. It helps with the patience when you miss the ball.'”

“When I asked grandpa what he wanted for his birthday, he replied, ‘A nap. And maybe some ice cream. Oh, and if you can throw in a winning lottery ticket, that would be nice too!'”

“Grandpa has the most unique taste in music. He loves blasting his favorite CD from the ’50s and singing along, even though he forgets most of the lyrics. It’s a real show!”