“God is like the wind; we cannot see Him, but we can feel His presence.” – Unknown

“The wind blows wherever it pleases, just like God works in mysterious ways.” – John 3:8

“Just as the wind cannot be seen, God’s actions may be invisible, but they are always powerful.” – Unknown

“The wind whispers truths, just as God speaks to our hearts.” – Unknown

“God is like the wind, always surrounding us, even when we don’t notice Him.” – Unknown

“The wind shows us that we are never alone, just like God is always with us.” – Unknown

“God’s love is as constant as the wind, blowing gently or raging fiercely, but always present.” – Unknown

“Just like the wind carries the scent of flowers, God carries the aroma of love wherever He goes.” – Unknown

“The wind can be gentle or strong, just like God’s grace and power.” – Unknown

“God is like the wind, lifting us up and carrying us through life’s challenges.” – Unknown

“The wind moves the leaves on a tree, just as God moves us towards our purpose.” – Unknown

“The wind can be a gentle breeze or a powerful storm, just like God’s hand guiding our lives.” – Unknown

“God’s presence is as undeniable as the wind; we cannot see it, but we can feel it.” – Unknown

“The wind can be a reminder of God’s guidance and protection in our lives.” – Unknown

“Just as the wind refreshes us, God’s spirit revitalizes our souls.” – Unknown STRENGTH OF HEART QUOTES

“The wind can change directions in an instant, just like God’s plans for us.” – Unknown

“God’s wisdom is like the wind, blowing away the uncertainties and bringing clarity.” – Unknown

“We cannot control the wind, just as we cannot control God’s will.” – Unknown

“The wind carries messages across the earth, just as God’s love transcends all boundaries.” – Unknown

“God’s power is like the wind, invisible yet capable of moving mountains.” – Unknown

“The wind brings a sense of peace and calm, just as God’s presence soothes our souls.” – Unknown

“God’s voice can be heard in the wind, if we take the time to listen.” – Unknown

“Just as the wind can change the atmosphere, God’s spirit can transform our lives.” – Unknown

“The wind whispers secrets, just like God reveals His plans to those who seek Him.” – Unknown

“God’s love is like a gentle breeze, comforting and reassuring us in moments of doubt.” – Unknown

“The wind reminds us of God’s power and majesty, as it sweeps across the landscape.” – Unknown

“Just as the wind stirs the leaves, God stirs our hearts to pursue His purpose for us.” – Unknown

“The wind is constant, just as God’s faithfulness never wavers.” – Unknown

“God is like the wind, always present but often unnoticed, silently working in our lives.” – Unknown