“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Kahlil Gibran

“Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.” – Kate Angell

“Beauty is a fading flower, but virtue is a lasting treasure.” – Owen Feltham

“Beauty is not about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, pretty heart, and pretty soul.” – Anonymous

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” – Sophia Loren

“True beauty lies in purity of the heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a killer lipstick.” – Gwyneth Paltrow

“Beauty is not about being perfect, it’s about being confident in your imperfections.” – Anonymous

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Gibran Khalil Gibran

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Kahlil Gibran

“Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.” – Khalil Gibran

“Outer beauty is inner beauty made visible.” – Paulo Coelho GOING THROUGH THE WORST TIME OF MY LIFE QUOTES

“Outer beauty pleases the eye, inner beauty captivates the heart.” – Mandy Hale

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Khalil Gibran

“Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.” – Kate Angell

“Outer beauty pleases the eye, inner beauty captivates the heart.” – Mandy Hale

“Beauty is not about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, pretty heart, and pretty soul.” – Anonymous

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” – Sophia Loren

“True beauty lies in purity of the heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a killer lipstick.” – Gwyneth Paltrow

“Beauty is not about being perfect, it’s about being confident in your imperfections.” – Anonymous

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Gibran Khalil Gibran