“Dr. Jones, Dr. Jones! You cheat! You cheat!” – Short Round

“Indy, cover your heart! Cover your heart!” – Short Round

“No time for love, Dr. Jones!” – Short Round

“Indy, I love you! Wake up, Indy!” – Short Round

“What’s the magic word? Please? Sure, we’ll go with please.” – Short Round

“Dr. Jones, the floor, it’s moving! Don’t step on the wrong tiles!” – Short Round

“Indy, you listen to Short Round, you live longer!” – Short Round

“No, his fortune cookie said he’s in grave danger!” – Short Round

“Bad guys, why do they have to be bad guys?” – Short Round

“Indy, hold on! I’ll save you! I’ll save you, Indy!” – Short Round

“I keep telling you, you listen to me more, you live longer!” – Short Round

“Indy, you’re a great archaeologist, but you’re not a good guy!” – Short Round

“Dr. Jones, you call him Dr. Jones, doll!” – Short Round

“You listen to Short Round, he knows the way!” – Short Round

“Step on something, Dr. Jones? Let Short Round step on it!” – Short Round

“You bring him back in one piece or I’ll Lao Che you to a slow, agonizing death!” – Short Round SELF CONTROL BIBLE QUOTES

“You cheat, Dr. Jones! You cheat! Every time I have anything nice!” – Short Round

“Indy, you not gonna believe this! I fall off truck! It was great!” – Short Round

“Indy, we are going to die! I told you, no time for love!” – Short Round

“You listen to Short Round, you go home empty-handed!” – Short Round

“Dr. Jones, I’m gonna die!” – Short Round

“Indy, we’re leaving! Indy, wake up! Now, Indy!” – Short Round

“Wait, wait, wait! I have idea! I have great idea! You cover me! You cover me!” – Short Round

“Okay, Miss Indiana. I not sure that’s a real diamond.” – Short Round

“Dr. Jones, Dr. Jones! We’re gonna get killed chasing after fortune and glory!” – Short Round

“I keep telling you! You listen to me more, you get in less trouble!” – Short Round

“Indy, don’t drink the poison, it’s not holy water!” – Short Round

“You call him Dr. Jones, doll!” – Short Round

“We’re not sinking, we’re crashing!” – Short Round

“Dr. Jones, you save my life; you show me magic; then you show me fortune and glory. Yes, I’ll follow you. Forever.” – Short Round