“Dating your best friend’s ex is like sticking a knife in their back.” – Unknown

“Best friends don’t date each other’s exes; it’s a matter of loyalty.” – Unknown

“True friends wouldn’t even think about dating their best friend’s ex.” – Unknown

“If your best friend starts dating your ex, they were never truly your best friend.” – Unknown

“Dating a friend’s ex is a betrayal of friendship.” – Unknown

“True friendship means never crossing the line and dating an ex.” – Unknown

“Exes are off-limits when it comes to best friends.” – Unknown

“Dating your friend’s ex is like choosing sides against your best friend.” – Unknown

“Best friends don’t swipe right on their exes.” – Unknown

“A real friend wouldn’t even consider dating their best friend’s ex.” – Unknown

“Exes may come and go, but true friends are there forever.” – Unknown YOU LOST A GOOD WOMAN QUOTES

“A best friend dating your ex is a violation of trust.” – Unknown

“Best friends don’t trade exes; they respect each other’s boundaries.” – Unknown

“The best way to keep a friendship intact is to avoid dating each other’s exes.” – Unknown

“Exes are exes for a reason; they shouldn’t be dating your best friend.” – Unknown

“When it comes to best friends, exes should be off-limits.” – Unknown

“Dating your best friend’s ex is like opening a can of worms you can’t close.” – Unknown

“Friends don’t let friends date their exes.” – Unknown

“True friends prioritize loyalty over their own desires, including dating an ex.” – Unknown

“Dating your best friend’s ex is a surefire way to destroy a friendship.” – Unknown

“No romantic relationship is worth sacrificing a true friendship.” – Unknown