“True friends may not be around you constantly, but they will never avoid you when you truly need them.” – Unknown

“A friend who avoids you in times of difficulties is simply not worth your time.” – Unknown

“When friends avoid you, it’s a sign that they are not loyal enough to stand by your side.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t avoid you, they embrace your flaws and support you no matter what.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never avoid you, even during the toughest times.” – Unknown

“Friends who avoid you are more like acquaintances, not true friends.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the people we thought were our friends are the ones who avoid us the most.” – Unknown

“A friend who avoids you out of jealousy is not a friend at all.” – Unknown

“Avoiding someone doesn’t make you a friend; it makes you a stranger.” – Unknown

“Friendship means being there for each other, not avoiding one another.” – Unknown

“A real friend doesn’t avoid you; they confront issues and work things out together.” – Unknown

“People who avoid you are not deserving of your friendship.” – Unknown

“It’s painful when you realize that the people you called friends have been avoiding you.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t avoid you; they find a way to work through conflicts and misunderstandings.” – Unknown SHORT INSPIRATIONAL BIO QUOTES

“Friends who avoid you when you need them the most are not worth keeping around.” – Unknown

“Good friends don’t avoid you; they are there to support you no matter what.” – Unknown

“To have friends who never avoid you is a blessing that should never be taken for granted.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never avoid you just because your paths start to diverge.” – Unknown

“Avoiding someone is a cowardly act, not something that a true friend would do.” – Unknown

“A friend who avoids you in your hard times is not really your friend at all.” – Unknown

“Avoidance is the sign of a friend who isn’t willing to put in the effort that true friendship requires.” – Unknown

“Real friends don’t avoid you; they apologize, communicate, and work towards a resolution.” – Unknown

“If someone avoids you out of pride, they are not worthy of being considered a true friend.” – Unknown

“You deserve friends who are always there for you, never ones who avoid you when things get tough.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t avoid you; they bring sunshine to your darkest days.” – Unknown

“Friends who avoid you are not worth chasing; surround yourself with those who value your presence.” – Unknown

“When friends avoid you, it’s a clear sign that they are not interested in maintaining a genuine friendship.” – Unknown