“Love is blind.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love conquers all.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is the most powerful force in the world.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love knows no boundaries.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a sweet torment.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is the greatest adventure.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is the language of the heart.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is the essence of life.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a flame that cannot be extinguished.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a flower that blooms in the soul.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a gentle breeze that caresses the heart.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a melody that resonates in our souls.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a treasure worth cherishing.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a fire that warms the heart.” – Geoffrey Chaucer TIME WILL HEAL ALL WOUNDS QUOTES

“Love is a virtue that never fades.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a journey that leads to happiness.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a gift that should be cherished.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a force that moves mountains.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a song that echoes in eternity.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a bridge that connects souls.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a ray of sunshine in a cloudy sky.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a dance that requires two hearts.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a symphony that plays in the depths of the soul.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a tapestry woven with care.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a refuge in times of trouble.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a candle that illuminates the darkness.” – Geoffrey Chaucer

“Love is a miracle that brings joy to the world.” – Geoffrey Chaucer