“I rob from the rich, but only because they’re the ones with bigger wallets.”

“I may be called Robin Hood, but I don’t think anyone would mistake me for a bird.”

“I steal from the rich and give to the poor, but I also keep a little for myself. Hey, a guy’s gotta eat!”

“I’m like the original hipster – robbing people of their gold before it was cool.”

“They say money can’t buy happiness, but I’m pretty sure it can buy a lot of pies.”

“I’m not just a thief, I’m a professional re-distributor of wealth.”

“I’m like the Santa Claus of stealing, instead of gifts, I leave behind empty pockets.”

“Next time you see a tree, think of me. I’m basically their superhero – Robin Wood!”

“When life gives you rich people, you better grab a bow and arrow and take their money!”

“I’m not just stealing from the rich, I’m saving them from the burden of their excessive wealth.”

“I don’t pickpocket, I prefer the term ‘wealth relocation specialist.'”

“They say crime doesn’t pay, but I’m starting to think they’ve never heard of me.” I WILL NOT CHANGE QUOTES

“If you think stealing from the rich is wrong, then you’re probably not poor.”

“I may be robbing the rich, but at least I’m putting the money to good use – funding better tights for all the poor.”

“Stealing from the rich is like taking candy from a really pretentious baby.”

“Some people say I’m a modern-day hero, others say I just really like green clothing.”

“I don’t need a hidden lair; my hideout is just a really big forest.”

“They say practice makes perfect, which is why I keep practicing my aim on the rich.”

“I bring a whole new meaning to the term ‘robbing Hood.'”

“Being a thief is a tough job, but someone has to do it, and I happen to be really good at it.”

“I don’t need a tax return; I have a successful career in tax evasion.”

“They call me Robin Hood, but don’t worry, I won’t shoot an arrow through your heart. Unless you’re really rich and annoying.”