“I’ve always found the idea of death comforting. The thought that my life could end at any moment frees me to fully appreciate the beauty and artistry in the world.” – Hannibal Lecter

“Is your imagination always so morbid, Will?” – Hannibal Lecter

“I don’t find you that interesting, Will. You’re just a cipher. A body to analyze, dissect, and manipulate.” – Hannibal Lecter

“Fear is the price of our instrument. But I think it’s worth it, don’t you?” – Hannibal Lecter

“In your world, I see something akin to empathy. But I also see something akin to contempt. A man who accepts his mortality is capable of anything.” – Hannibal Lecter

“I’m not the Devil. I’m just a man who enjoys the act of killing.” – Hannibal Lecter

“I fantasize about scenarios in which I could murder someone, how I would do it, what it would feel like.” – Will Graham

“I can’t tell the difference between the fear I feel for others and the fear I feel for myself.” – Will Graham

“I think sometimes it’s worse to live with fear than to die with it.” – Will Graham

“My mind is like a slaughterhouse. It’s constantly filled with images of death and violence.” – Will Graham

“Killing must feel good to God, too. Otherwise, why does he do it so much?” – Will Graham

“I don’t know who I am anymore. Whether I’m the hunter or the hunted.” – Will Graham

“I can’t escape the darkness, Hannibal. It consumes me.” – Will Graham FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS SAD QUOTES

“We’ve crossed paths before, you and I. We just didn’t know it at the time.” – Will Graham

“You manipulate, I manipulate. We’re just two sides of the same coin.” – Will Graham

“I want to know what it feels like to have control over another person’s life, to decide who lives and who dies.” – Will Graham

“I’m fascinated by the mind of a killer. How can someone be so detached from humanity?” – Will Graham

“You may think you’re smarter than me, but I know you better than you know yourself.” – Will Graham

“I see you, Hannibal. You can’t hide from me.” – Will Graham

“I’m drawn to the darkness, Hannibal. It’s a part of me, just as it is a part of you.” – Will Graham

“We’ve become so connected that it’s hard to distinguish where you end and I begin.” – Will Graham

“There’s a fine line between madness and genius. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell which side we’re on.” – Will Graham

“You’ve awakened something in me, Hannibal. Something dark and dangerous.” – Will Graham

“We’re all monsters in our own way, Hannibal. The only difference is how we choose to embrace it.” – Will Graham

“There is no light without darkness, Hannibal. It’s what makes us whole.” – Will Graham