“Sometimes your best friends become your worst enemies.” – Rihanna

“It’s sad when you have to cut ties with someone who was once your best friend.” – Demi Lovato

“Friends come and go, but true friendships can withstand any storm.” – Beyoncé

“You never realize how toxic someone was until you breathe fresher air.” – Taylor Swift

“A true friend would never do anything to hurt you.” – Selena Gomez

“Not everyone who’s by your side during your rise is your real friend; the test comes when you fall.” – Kanye West

“Sometimes people change, and you have to accept that they’re no longer good for you.” – Megan Fox

“The best thing about burning bridges is that it illuminates the path to better relationships.” – Jennifer Aniston

“I’d rather have no friends than fake friends.” – Justin Bieber

“When someone shows you their true colors, believe them the first time.” – Oprah Winfrey

“The hardest thing is to let go of someone you considered a soul mate.” – Lady Gaga RANDOM FAMOUS QUOTES

“Friendships shouldn’t be a competition; it’s about supporting and inspiring each other.” – Cardi B

“It’s better to have a few real friends than a bunch of fake friends.” – Kim Kardashian

“Some people are meant to stay in your past, not your future.” – Katy Perry

“A true friend is someone who sticks around even when things get tough.” – Demi Moore

“Sometimes you have to cut ties with people who were once your everything.” – Miley Cyrus

“Real friends respect your boundaries and support your growth.” – Chris Pratt

“Don’t waste your time on people who don’t appreciate your presence.” – Alicia Keys

“I’ve learned that sometimes you have to let go of friendships that are toxic for your mental health.” – Emma Stone

“If someone doesn’t value you, then they don’t deserve to be in your life.” – Jennifer Lopez

“Don’t let someone’s betrayal define your trust in others; there are still good people out there.” – Will Smith