“The mother wound is the deep emotional pain that stems from being raised by a mother who is emotionally unavailable, neglectful, or abusive.” – Bethany Webster

“The mother wound is a longing that never goes away; it is a hole in the fabric of love.” – Sufian Chaudhary

“The mother wound is the unhealed pain of being rejected by the one who was supposed to nurture and protect us.” – Karen Carnabucci

“The mother wound can manifest as a deep sense of unworthiness and an inability to fully trust others.” – Tsultrim Allione

“The mother wound is passed down through generations, perpetuating the cycle of pain and dysfunction.” – Terry Real

“The mother wound can leave us feeling like we are constantly searching for something or someone to fill the void inside us.” – Lindsay Gibson

“The mother wound is not always caused by intentional harm; sometimes it stems from a mother’s own unresolved trauma and emotional wounds.” – Bevin Niemann

“The mother wound can impact every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to our self-esteem.” – John Bradshaw

“The mother wound is a silent pain that many people carry, often without even realizing it.” – Jennifer Mehrschneck

“The mother wound can make it difficult for us to assert our boundaries and stand up for ourselves.” – Doreen Virtue

“The mother wound is about more than just our relationship with our biological mother; it is about the internalized beliefs and patterns we inherit from our mothers and female ancestors.” – Miranda Gray

“The mother wound can create a sense of deep loneliness and isolation, as we struggle to find our place in the world.” – Christiane Pelmas

“The mother wound can make it hard for us to receive love and nurture from others, as we may feel unworthy or undeserving.” – Lisa Bourbeau FATHER FIGURE QUOTES FROM DAUGHTER

“The mother wound can lead to a constant seeking for external validation and approval, as we try to fill the void left by our mother’s emotional absence.” – Iyanla Vanzant

“The mother wound can manifest as a fear of intimacy and a difficulty in forming healthy, secure attachments.” – Terry Real

“The mother wound can create a sense of deep shame and self-blame, as we internalize the belief that we are responsible for our mother’s emotional unavailability.” – Lindsay Gibson

“The mother wound can leave us feeling perpetually unlovable, as we struggle to understand why our own mother couldn’t love us.” – Bevin Niemann

“The mother wound can manifest as a fear of abandonment, as we live with the constant fear that those we love will eventually leave us.” – Christiane Pelmas

“The mother wound can keep us stuck in patterns of self-sabotage and self-destructive behavior.” – Tsultrim Allione

“The mother wound can make it hard for us to trust our own feelings and intuition, as we were taught to doubt and suppress them.” – Karen Carnabucci

“The mother wound is a call to heal and break the cycle, to reclaim our own worth and create healthier relationships.” – Bethany Webster

“The mother wound can be a catalyst for our own healing and growth, as we learn to nurture and love ourselves.” – Doreen Virtue

“The mother wound is not our fault, but it is our responsibility to heal from it.” – Jennifer Mehrschneck

“The mother wound can be transformed into a source of empowerment and resilience, as we learn to mother ourselves.” – Miranda Gray