“I told my wife I wanted a BMW, and she said she’d rather we just have BMW (Bacon, Muffins, and Waffles) for breakfast every day!”

“They say money can’t buy happiness, but I’d rather cry in a BMW than on a bus!”

“My dream car? A BMW that runs on laughter and has a built-in espresso machine!”

“If you don’t own a BMW, you haven’t truly experienced what it’s like to become one with the road…and your bank account.”

“My BMW is like my therapist, it helps me forget about all my problems…until I have to pay for repairs!”

“I don’t need a psychologist, I just need a BMW with a big engine and an open road!”

“The secret to happiness is having a BMW and the ability to parallel park it perfectly every time.”

“I asked my BMW salesman if they sold a car that could make me look cooler. He said no, I’ll have to work on my dance moves for that!”

“Some people are obsessed with designer handbags, but I’m obsessed with the logo on my BMW!”

“I don’t need a knight in shining armor, I just need a knight in a BMW.”

“My BMW’s GPS is so smart, it always leads me to the nearest ice cream parlor!”

“I don’t care about horsepower, I just want my BMW to have enough power to impress my neighbors!”

“People tell me BMW stands for ‘Break My Wallet,’ but I say it stands for ‘Bring Me Wealth’!” THANKFUL FAMILY LOVE QUOTES

“My BMW has more gadgets and gizmos than a rocket ship…I just wish it could fly!”

“If I had a dollar for every time someone ogled my BMW, I’d be able to buy a private island!”

“My BMW doesn’t just have a gas pedal, it has a ‘fun pedal’!”

“They say fortune favors the bold, but I say fortune favors those who drive a BMW.”

“Owning a BMW is like having a personal cheerleader that says ‘You’re awesome!’ every time you start the engine.”

“I always thought hybrid cars were for the environmentally conscious…until I saw a BMW hybrid and realized they’re for people who love to leave others in the dust!”

“The only thing better than owning a BMW is owning two BMWs!”

“If you’re not driving a BMW, are you even participating in the game of life?”

“BMW: Beauty, Money, and Wow-factor!”

“With a BMW, even traffic jams feel like a joyride!”

“BMW drivers don’t take life too seriously, unless it’s about their car.”

“The only thing more exhilarating than driving a BMW is trying to pronounce the model names!”