“I have not seen God, but I have seen the power of prayer.”

“The true measure of a person’s greatness is their humility.”

“Let love be the guiding principle of your actions.”

“The path of devotion is the path of liberation.”

“Do good for others without seeking any reward.”

“Live life with gratitude and contentment.”

“True knowledge lies in realizing one’s own ignorance.”

“Only by detaching oneself from worldly desires can one find true inner peace.”

“Do not discriminate based on caste, creed, or religion.”

“One who finds joy in the suffering of others has no place in the world of God.”

“Seek the Divinity within yourself and realize your innate potential.”

“Treat everyone with respect and kindness, for we are all manifestations of the Divine.”

“Let go of anger and embrace forgiveness and compassion.” QUOTES ABOUT SELF DISCIPLINE

“Chant the name of God with love and devotion.”

“Simplicity is the key to a meaningful and fulfilling life.”

“Do not get attached to worldly possessions, for they are temporary.”

“Turn your mind inward and seek the truth within.”

“Serve others selflessly and without expecting anything in return.”

“Adopt moral values and practice them in your daily life.”

“The mind is restless; bring it under control through meditation.”

“Let go of pride and ego, for they separate us from experiencing true unity.”

“Be tolerant and embrace all religions, for they lead to the same ultimate truth.”

“Find solace and strength in the company of true seekers of God.”

“Realize that all beings are interconnected; you are not separate from the world.”

“Remember, God is within you and in everything around you; seek that divinity.”