“The name’s Bond, James Bond.”

“I never joke about my work, 00”

“Sometimes the old ways are the best ways.”

“You only live twice.”

“Bond. James Bond.”

“The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.”

“I have no objection to a spirited girl.”

“Goodbye, Mr. Bond, and remember, if you save the world, we can do it in the shower.”

“I always knew death would wear a familiar face. But not yours.”

“I thought Christmas only comes once a year.”

“I take pleasure in great beauty… like a woman, or a sunset.”

“Bond. James Bond.”

“I’m sorry, that last hand, it killed me.”

“Tomorrow never dies.” LENT QUOTES

“I’ve been expecting you, Mr. Bond.”

“That’s my little octopussy.”

“The world is not enough.”

“Maybe they’ll give him an honorary knighthood for his work.” – “He’s British, isn’t he?” – “That never stopped us before.”

“A world without spies is a world that has fewer possibilities.”

“I have to use any means necessary, and I do mean any means necessary, to close this case.”

“Shocking. Positively shocking.”

“What’s the matter, Bond? No glib remark? No pithy comeback?”

“I think he got the point.”

“Never trust a woman.”

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”

“Mr. Bond, I suppose you wouldn’t care to — raise the limit?”

“It’s always good to meet a maniac.”