“Time will tell the truth, whether you like it or not.”

“The passing of time reveals all secrets.”

“Time is the ultimate judge of character.”

“Words can be deceiving, but time will always uncover the truth.”

“Only with time can we truly understand the impact of our actions.”

“Time reveals the real intentions of people.”

“Patience is key, for time always reveals what is meant to be.”

“Time has a way of uncovering the true nature of things.”

“Trust in time; it has a way of healing wounds and answering questions.”

“Time teaches us valuable lessons; it is our greatest teacher.”

“Don’t rush; time will reveal if it’s worth it.”

“Time shows us who our true friends are.”

“Actions speak louder than words, and time never fails to expose them.”

“Time is a mirror that reflects the truth.” LOVE DREAM COME TRUE QUOTES

“You can’t hide from time; it exposes all masks.”

“Time separates truth from lies.”

“Time is the alchemist that transforms uncertainty into clarity.”

“With time, all things become clear.”

“Time is a revealer of talents.”

“Time is the ultimate test of love.”

“Time illuminates our path and reveals our destiny.”

“With time, wounds heal, and scars become a testament to strength.”

“Time rewards patience and perseverance.”

“Wisdom and understanding are gifts granted by time.”

“Time makes forgiveness possible by softening anger and resentment.”

“As time passes, priorities become clear.”

“Time is a valuable currency; spend it wisely.”