“I am haunted by humans.”

“I can be amiable. Agreeable. And that is what I aim to be. A good, soothing voice in times of crisis.”

“In my job, I’m not the one who counts. But there are still moments I feel a glimmer of hope.”

“I am the witness to your story. The story of those who defy me, who find beauty and love in the midst of chaos.”

“I take no pleasure in collecting souls. But it is my duty, my burden.”

“I am the inevitable end, but life is what happens in between.”

“I will always be there, waiting patiently at the end of your journey.”

“Death does not discriminate. We take all, rich and poor, young and old, with equal impartiality.”

“I am not cruel. I am simply doing my job.”

“Sometimes, I wonder why humans fear me so much. Death is not the enemy. It is simply the next step.”

“I have seen men of great evil, but I have also seen men of great compassion and bravery.”

“I am the great equalizer. In the face of death, all are the same.”

“I harvest souls like a farmer collects his crops. It is necessary, but never easy.”

“Life is fragile and fleeting. It is a privilege to partake in its stories.”

“I am not to be feared. I am a release, a final resting place.” RON SWANSON FUNNY QUOTES

“I am neither good nor bad. I simply am.”

“Sooner or later, we all dance with Death. It is how we dance that matters.”

“I am the silent observer, bearing witness to the beauty and tragedy of the human experience.”

“I am the final chapter, the closing paragraph, the end of the story. But that does not make me the villain.”

“I do not take pleasure in extinguishing light, but it is inescapable.”

“I am the shadow that follows you, the reminder that time is limited.”

“I have seen the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of stars. And yet, the fragility of human existence still astounds me.”

“I am not the enemy. I am the inevitable conclusion.”

“In every death, there is also life. The cycle continues, endlessly.”

“I am the great leveller. In the end, none can escape my embrace.”

“Death is not to be feared. It is simply a transition, a doorway to something else.”

“I am the darkness that brings the light into focus.”

“I am the caress of finality, the touch of an ending.”

“I am the reminder that life is to be cherished, for it is fleeting.”