“I’m so sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me.”

“I never meant to cause you pain. I am truly sorry.”

“I value our friendship and I’m sorry for any harm I caused.”

“I apologize for my actions. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

“I regret my behavior and I want to make it right. I’m sorry.”

“I messed up and I’m truly sorry. Can we please move past this?”

“I apologize for my words. They were thoughtless and I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Please accept my deepest apologies. I never wanted to hurt our friendship.”

“I take full responsibility for my actions and I’m truly sorry for any pain I caused.”

“I want to make things right between us. I hope you can forgive me.”

“My intentions were never to hurt you. I’m sorry for my mistake.”

“Please accept my sincere apology. I value our friendship and I’m truly sorry.”

“I realize now how much I hurt you. I’m deeply sorry and I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”

“I’m truly sorry for my behavior. I promise to learn from this and be a better friend.” QUOTES ENERGETIC

“I never meant for our friendship to be strained. Can we please start fresh? I’m sorry.”

“I apologize for my thoughtlessness and insensitivity. Please forgive me.”

“I’m sorry for letting you down. You mean so much to me and I hope you can forgive me.”

“I can’t believe I hurt you. I’m deeply sorry and I promise to do better.”

“I’m sorry for not being there for you. Please know it was never my intention to let you down.”

“I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I value our friendship and I’m truly sorry.”

“I’m so sorry for my actions. You deserve better and I promise to be a better friend.”

“I realize now how much I messed up. I apologize for my behavior and the pain it caused.”

“I never meant for things to end up like this. I’m truly sorry and I hope we can make amends.”

“I’m sorry for my thoughtlessness. Can we please move past this and continue our friendship?”

“I’m deeply sorry for my actions. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

“I apologize wholeheartedly. Our friendship means the world to me and I’m truly sorry.”

“I’m sorry for letting my emotions get the best of me. I value our friendship and I hope we can work through this.”