“It’s not you, it’s me… who finds you incredibly unsettling.”

“Just looking at you gives me the creeps, honestly.”

“Your presence here is making everyone uncomfortable, including myself.”

“I have this strange urge to crawl out of my skin when you’re around.”

“Do you ever wonder why people can’t stand being in the same room as you?”

“I have a theory that you were specifically designed to make people feel awkward.”

“You have that effect on people – they immediately wish they were anywhere else.”

“I’m starting to think you might be the human embodiment of discomfort.”

“You make my skin crawl, and not in a good way.”

“It’s like you have an invisible force field that repels normal social interactions.”

“Your presence is so unsettling, I can practically taste the awkwardness in the air.” FAMOUS QUOTE ABOUT COMMITMENT

“You make sitting in silence with you feel incredibly uncomfortable.”

“Being in a conversation with you is like having a never-ending uncomfortable silence.”

“You excel at making people feel uneasy without even trying.”

“You seem to have a talent for making people squirm in discomfort.”

“I’ve met some unsettling individuals before, but you take the cake.”

“Your presence alone gives me the heebie-jeebies.”

“Ever thought of applying for a job as a professional discomfort provider?”

“You have a unique ability to make even the most mundane situation feel incredibly awkward.”

“I can say without a doubt that you are the most uncomfortable person I’ve ever met.”