“True friends don’t use each other, they support and uplift one another.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who never takes advantage of your kindness.” – Unknown

“Friends should be there in good times and bad, not just when they need something.” – Unknown

“Beware of those who only contact you when they need a favor, for they are not true friends.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your friends turn into parasites who drain you emotionally and financially.” – Unknown

“True friends are there to share moments, not to take advantage of your resources.” – Unknown

“A real friend will never take advantage of your vulnerability or weaknesses.” – Unknown

“Be cautious of those who only stick around when they want something from you.” – Unknown

“When you find friends who genuinely care about you, hold onto them tightly.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never use you as a means to an end.” – Unknown

“A friend who only shows up when they need something is not a true friend.” – Unknown

“Never let anyone take advantage of your kindness, even if they claim to be your friend.” – Unknown

“True friends are there for you because they genuinely care, not for personal gain.” – Unknown GOOD LUCK IN YOUR NEW VENTURE QUOTES

“You deserve friends who love and appreciate you for who you are, not for what you can do for them.” – Unknown

“Real friends won’t exploit your generosity for their own benefit.” – Unknown

“A genuine friend will never use you as a stepping stone to their own success.” – Unknown

“True friendship means supporting each other’s dreams, not using each other for personal gain.” – Unknown

“Don’t let toxic friendships drain your energy and self-worth.” – Unknown

“Guard your heart against friends who only stick around when they need something.” – Unknown

“True friends are like stars, they shine brightly even in the darkest nights.” – Unknown

“Surround yourself with friends who bring out the best in you, not those who exploit your weaknesses.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never manipulate or take advantage of your trust.” – Unknown

“Don’t let anyone use you as a doormat; you deserve genuine friendship.” – Unknown

“True friends respect your boundaries and never push you beyond your limits.” – Unknown

“Choose your friends wisely, for they can either bring joy or sorrow into your life.” – Unknown