“You may be my little brother, but you sure are big on making me laugh!”

“Having a little brother is like having a built-in clown, always ready to entertain.”

“I may have shared my room with you, but I also shared plenty of laughs!”

“Having a little brother is a constant reminder that life is full of hilarious moments.”

“You’re the little brother I never knew I needed, but now I can’t imagine life without your funny antics.”

“Messing with my little brother is like my daily dose of laughter therapy.”

“Who needs comedy shows when you have a little brother with an endless supply of funny antics?”

“If laughter is the best medicine, then having a little brother is like having your own personal pharmacy.”

“They say siblings are your first friends, but you, my little brother, are also my favorite comedian.”

“You may be small, but your ability to make me laugh is bigger than life itself.”

“Having a little brother means there’s never a dull moment and always a reason to smile.”

“You’re my little brother, but you’ve got a big talent for making everyone around you burst into laughter.”

“Watching you grow up has been both hilarious and heartwarming, little bro.”

“Despite all the teasing, I wouldn’t trade my funny little brother for the world.”

“Growing up with a little brother like you meant having a constant source of entertainment.”

“Having a little brother means there will never be a shortage of laughter, even on the gloomiest days.” NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US QUOTES

“My little brother’s jokes might not always be the best, but they’re always good for a laugh.”

“Life with a little brother is like living in a sitcom, with endless funny moments.”

“Sometimes I wonder if you were put on this earth solely to make me laugh, little bro.”

“My little brother’s sense of humor is a true gift that keeps on giving.”

“You’re like a little comedian in training, always working on perfecting your funny little acts.”

“They say laughter is contagious, and you, my little brother, are my daily dose of infectious laughter.”

“Even on my worst days, you manage to crack a joke and turn my frown into a smile.”

“My little brother’s funny little sayings and jokes are like a daily dose of sunshine.”

“I can’t decide if it’s your silly jokes or your adorable smile that I love more, little bro.”

“Having a little brother means living in a world of silliness and laughter, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Every time you make me laugh, little bro, it’s like a temporary cure for all my worries.”

“If laughter is the best medicine, then having a little brother is like having a never-ending prescription refill.”

“You may be my little brother, but your sense of humor is way beyond your years.”

“Having a little brother like you means laughter is a constant companion in my life.”