Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Love. – Love who? – Love is the key to all happiness in life.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Cupid. – Cupid who? – Cupid who makes hearts beat faster and brings people together.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Hearts. – Hearts who? – Hearts that beat as one when two people are in love.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Forever. – Forever who? – Forever is how long I want to be with you.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Kisses. – Kisses who? – Kisses that make us feel alive and loved.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Romance. – Romance who? – Romance that keeps the spark alive in a relationship.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Passion. – Passion who? – Passion that ignites a deep love between two souls.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Happiness. – Happiness who? – Happiness found in the arms of the one you love.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Dreams. – Dreams who? – Dreams of a future filled with love and togetherness.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Devotion. – Devotion who? – Devotion that keeps love strong through all challenges.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Affection. – Affection who? – Affection that warms the heart and brings joy to the soul.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Adoration. – Adoration who? – Adoration that makes every moment spent together special. QUOTES ABOUT HURTING YOUR BEST FRIEND

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Soulmate. – Soulmate who? – Soulmate who completes me and makes me whole.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Care. – Care who? – Care that shows love and understanding in every act.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Forever. – Forever who? – Forever is how long I want to love you.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Heartbeat. – Heartbeat who? – Your heartbeat is the rhythm of my love.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Admiration. – Admiration who? – Admiration for the incredible person you are.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Joy. – Joy who? – Joy that fills my heart when I see you smile.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Cherish. – Cherish who? – Cherish every moment spent with the one you love.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Open. – Open who? – Open your heart to love and let it fill your life.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Sweetness. – Sweetness who? – Sweetness that comes from love’s embrace.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Desire. – Desire who? – Desire that burns in the heart when love is near.

Knock, knock. – Who’s there? – Forever. – Forever who? – Forever is how long I will love you.