“I’m my brother’s keeper.”

“Money talks and bullshit walks.”

“You gotta rob to get rich in the Reagan era.”

“This ain’t personal, it’s strictly business.”

“I don’t hustle sideways, only up and down.”

“People throw rocks at things that shine.”

“I am not a destroyer of communities; I’m a liberator of them!”

“Anything I ever wanted, I always took.”

“In this life, you either stack or you starve.”

“If a man can’t open doors for himself, he won’t go very far in life.”

“I make more money than you can count.”

“You gotta control your dreams, brother.”

“I’m more than a businessman, I’m a humanitarian.” RONALD REAGAN MOST FAMOUS QUOTE

“I don’t run the system, I am the system.”

“Cash rules everything around me.”

“Gotta go through the bad to get to the good.”

“Harlem is my kingdom, and I’m the king.”

“Power is an addiction you can never get enough of.”

“The only thing that keeps me up at night is making more money.”

“In this life, you’re either the player or you’re being played.”

“I ain’t goin’ down like Scarface. I wanna live.”

“Money’s the motivator, the root of all evil.”

“You gotta be hard to be a king.”

“I built this 140th street empire with my own two hands.”