“A book is a magical thing that lets you travel to faraway places without ever leaving your chair.” – Katrina Mayer

“Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out.” – Pam Allyn

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

“One must always be careful of books and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.” – Cassandra Clare

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

“I love books. I adore everything about them. I love the feel of the pages on my fingertips. They are light enough to carry, yet so heavy with worlds and ideas.” – Lauren Oliver

“A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again and the joy and wisdom remains intact.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles William Eliot

“A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.” – Neil Gaiman

“Books are the mirrors of the soul.” – Virginia Woolf

“The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” – Albert Einstein

“When I read a great book, I become a part of it. I take on the emotions of the characters, their triumphs and tribulations become my own.” – Unknown

“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Books are the ultimate dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.” – John Green

“Reading a book is like taking a journey, each page opening up a new world to explore.” – Unknown HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022 WITH QUOTES

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles William Eliot

“A good book has no ending.” – R.D. Cumming

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

“A book is a device to ignite the imagination.” – Alan Bennett

“Words have the power to change us.” – Cassandra Clare

“Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labeled ‘This could change your life.'” – Helen Exley

“In books, I have traveled, not only to other worlds but into my own.” – Anna Quindlen

“A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.” – Neil Gaiman

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” – Ernest Hemingway

“Books were safer than other people anyway.” – Neil Gaiman

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” – Jorge Luis Borges

“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” – Anna Quindlen

“A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.” – Chinese Proverb