“Sometimes I wonder if you even love me anymore.”

“You never appreciate the things I do for you.”

“I bet you’d be happier without me.”

“Why do you always find fault in everything I say or do?”

“Do you ever think about how much you hurt me?”

“I feel like I’m just a burden to you.”

“You make me feel worthless.”

“I can’t trust you anymore.”

“I’m tired of constantly trying to make you happy.”

“You never listen to me.”

“I deserve so much better than this.”

“You’re always putting yourself before our relationship.”

“I can’t keep living like this with you.”

“You’re so dismissive of my feelings.”

“I can’t remember the last time you made me feel loved.”

“You always prioritize your friends over me.” CHRISTMAS MEANS FAMILY QUOTES

“I feel so alone in this marriage.”

“You never apologize or take responsibility for your actions.”

“I’m tired of feeling like I’m not good enough for you.”

“You’re so insensitive towards my needs.”

“I feel emotionally neglected by you.”

“You’re constantly criticizing me and tearing me down.”

“I don’t feel safe or secure in this relationship anymore.”

“You never make any effort to show me that you care.”

“I can’t keep pretending like everything is okay.”

“You make me question my self-worth.”

“I don’t think things will ever change between us.”

“We’ve grown so distant, it feels like we’re strangers.”

“I miss the person you used to be.”

“I don’t think we can continue like this any longer.”