“I am my own worst enemy.”

“I don’t deserve to be happy.”

“I’m so useless, why even bother trying?”

“I hate everything about myself.”

“I’m constantly disappointing myself and everyone around me.”

“I’m a failure in every aspect of my life.”

“I will never be good enough.”

“I can’t stand my own reflection.”

“I hate the person I’ve become.”

“I’m filled with self-loathing.”

“I’m a burden to everyone around me.”

“I can’t escape my own negativity.”

“I hate the choices I’ve made in life.” BEST QUOTES ABOUT HONOR AND JUSTICS

“I’m unworthy of love and happiness.”

“I’m so broken, nothing can fix me.”

“I am an absolute disaster.”

“I’m a lost cause.”

“I’m a disappointment to myself and others.”

“I despise the way I look.”

“I’m constantly messing everything up.”

“I am my own enemy, sabotaging my own success.”

“I can’t stand being in my own skin.”

“I hate everything I say and do.”

“I’m just a burden on this earth.”

“I have nothing to offer the world, and it infuriates me.”