“Do you really think Mom and Dad would let you stay out this late?”

“You need to start taking responsibility for your actions.”

“You should be focusing on your studies, not spending so much time with your friends.”

“You’re grounded until further notice.”

“Don’t forget to clean your room, just like I told you.”

“Are you really going to wear that outfit out?”

“I can’t believe you still haven’t learned how to cook a decent meal.”

“You need to start saving money instead of wasting it on unnecessary things.”

“You need to prioritize your commitments and stop procrastinating.”

“I’m only telling you this for your own good.”

“You should have asked for my opinion before making such an important decision.”

“Why can’t you be more responsible, like me?”

“You should know better than to hang out with those kind of people.” TODAY WILL BE AWESOME QUOTES

“You need to learn to be more assertive and stand up for yourself.”

“You’re not a kid anymore, start acting like an adult.”

“You should have listened to me in the first place.”

“I’m just trying to help you avoid making the same mistakes I did.”

“You need to start thinking about your future and making better choices.”

“Why can’t you be more organized and keep track of your responsibilities?”

“You need to take better care of your appearance.”

“I’m doing this because I love you and want what’s best for you.”

“You need to learn to be more independent.”

“You should have known better than to trust that person.”

“When I was your age, I was already doing (insert accomplishment here).”