“To serve and protect.” – Unknown

“In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC.” – Unknown

“There’s no situation a good cop can’t handle with a little bit of violence.” – Joe Gavilan, Hollywood Homicide

“Being a police officer is not just a job, it’s a calling.” – Unknown

“Criminals are like weeds, you have to keep pulling them out or they’ll just keep growing back.” – Unknown

“The police are the public and the public are the police.” – Sir Robert Peel

“Every contact we have with a public is an opportunity for understanding and empathy – it’s our job to seize those moments.” – Unknown

“The police must obey the law while enforcing the law.” – Earl Warren

“Police officers may not all be heroes, but they all have the capacity to be.” – Unknown

“It’s not just about catching the bad guys, it’s about making the community feel safe.” – Unknown

“A good police officer fights for justice, not just convictions.” – Unknown

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

“Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves.” – Robert F. Kennedy

“Crime is the price society pays for abandoning character.” – James Q. Wilson QUOTES ABOUT THE BIBLE AND LIFE

“The law cannot effectively function without the support and respect of the community it serves.” – Unknown

“Good cops are not born, they are forged through sweat, dedication, and sacrifice.” – Unknown

“The police are the frontline in the war against chaos and disorder.” – Unknown

“The police are not just keepers of the peace but also guardians of justice.” – Unknown

“We don’t make the laws, we just enforce them.” – Unknown

“Police officers don’t generally lose their lives in a hail of gunfire, but rather in a wade through a cesspool of indifference.” – Unknown

“You can’t win a war without good intelligence, and policing is a war.” – Unknown

“The best crime prevention is a well-established relationship between the police and the community.” – Unknown

“Police officers are the duct tape that holds society together.” – Unknown

“A police officer’s badge is not just a symbol of authority, it’s a symbol of public trust.” – Unknown

“It takes a special kind of person to run towards danger when others are running away.” – Unknown

“When everything else fails, call a cop.” – Unknown

“Honor, integrity, and 11 bullet holes.” – Detective Alonzo Harris, Training Day