“He’s all hat and no cattle.” -Unknown

“He’s like a sheep in lion’s clothing.” -Unknown

“He talks a good game, but rarely delivers.” -Unknown

“He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” -Unknown

“His bark is worse than his bite.” -Unknown

“He’s all talk and no action.” -Unknown

“He’s a master of empty promises.” -Unknown

“He’s full of hot air.” -Unknown

“He’s a snake oil salesman.” -Unknown

“He’s a con artist pretending to be a genius.” -Unknown

“He’s a smooth-talking charlatan.” -Unknown

“He wears a mask of lies and deceit.” -Unknown

“He’s a puppet with no original thoughts.” -Unknown

“He’s a walking contradiction.” -Unknown THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU QUOTES FOR HIM

“He’s a walking disaster waiting to happen.” -Unknown

“He’s a weak leader who crumbles under pressure.” -Unknown

“He’s a master manipulator who plays mind games.” -Unknown

“He’s a hypocrite who preaches one thing and does another.” -Unknown

“He’s a fraud who hides behind a veil of ignorance.” -Unknown

“He’s a self-centered egomaniac with no regard for others.” -Unknown

“He’s a two-faced backstabber.” -Unknown

“He’s a toxic influence on those around him.” -Unknown

“He’s a walking disaster zone.” -Unknown

“He’s a one-trick pony with no depth or substance.” -Unknown

“He’s a self-proclaimed expert in everything, but a master of nothing.” -Unknown

“He’s a narcissistic attention seeker.” -Unknown

“He’s a thunderstorm disguised as a sunny day.” -Unknown