“I asked my math teacher if I could bring my pet parrot into class. She said, ‘Sure, but make sure it doesn’t multiply!'”

“Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems.”

“Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many ‘problems’ to solve.”

“I don’t suffer from mathophobia, I enjoy it with a passion! Just kidding, I do suffer.”

“Why did the math teacher open a bakery? Because she loved to divide pies into equal slices!”

“Why should you never talk to Pi? Because he’ll just go on and on without stopping!”

“What did the math book say to the pencil? ‘I’m a rich book because I have lots of decimal points!'”

“I failed math once, but then I realized addition and subtraction are addictive!”

“Why was the math book sad? Because it got picked on by all the other books.”

“Why did the math teacher always carry a ladder? To help her students reach new heights in understanding!”

“Why did the mathematician bring a ladder to the bar? She wanted to reach new levels of integration!”

“Why was the math book always cold? Because it had so many negative signs!”

“I asked my math teacher for his opinion on exponential decay. He said it’s a decline he can’t exponential!” REGRET ONE DAY YOU WILL MISS ME QUOTES

“What’s a mathematical pirate’s favorite operation? Pi-racy!”

“Why did the 30-60-90 triangle go to the doctor? It had an acute-angled infection!”

“Why did the obtuse angle stand in the corner? It couldn’t make a right turn!”

“Why did the parallelogram cross the road? To parallel park on the other side!”

“I told my math teacher I had trouble understanding fractions. She replied, ‘Don’t worry, it’s just a piece of cake!'”

“Why was the math lecture always cold? The professor was always dropping degrees!”

“Why was the math teacher’s vacation terrible? She just couldn’t find any common denominators!”

“Why did the variable break up with the constant? It wanted more freedom to change!”

“Why did the statistician bring a ladder to the party? He wanted to calculate the high degrees of regression!”

“Why did the function go to therapy? It had major identity issues!”

“Why was the math book unhappy? It had too many imaginary friends!”

“Why did the mathematician always carry a calculator? Because it was his best friend, with benefits!”