“A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” – Mary Mason

“Pregnancy is a process that invites you to surrender to the unseen force behind all life.” – Judy Ford

“Pregnancy is not an illness; it’s a miraculous and natural journey.” – Ina May Gaskin

“Being pregnant means every day is another day closer to meeting the love of your life.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a beautiful experience; it is giving birth to love, hope, and dreams.” – Anonymous

“Pregnancy is a unique window of opportunity to profile the health of both mother and baby.” – Catherine Aiken

“Pregnancy is the only time in life when you truly understand the meaning of being selfless.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a process of transformation; not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.” – Elizabeth Stone

“Pregnancy is not a sickness but a period of empowerment and beauty.” – Marcia Cross

“Pregnancy is about discovering what your body is capable of and marveling at the miracle of life.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a journey that teaches you to trust your body’s wisdom and strength.” – Sheryl Paul

“Pregnancy is like a roller coaster ride, filled with joy, anticipation, and occasional fears.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is the beginning of all things: wonder, hope, and endless possibilities.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a process that transforms a woman into a mother and a man into a father.” – Nuno Bettencourt

“Pregnancy is a natural state of being that should be embraced and celebrated.” – Emily Oster

“Pregnancy is the ultimate meditation; it connects you deeply with your body and the life within.” – Unknown APPRECIATION THANK YOU COUNSELOR QUOTES

“Pregnancy is a privilege, a divine gift that should be cherished and nurtured.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a time to focus on your own well-being and the blossoming life within.” – Lora Shahine

“Pregnancy is a journey that unites two souls even before they meet.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a time to listen to your body, slow down, and embrace self-care.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a reminder that the power to create and nurture life resides within every woman.” – Louise Nurding

“Pregnancy is a time to prioritize your health and make choices that support your well-being.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is the most creative and empowering phase of a woman’s life.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is not a sickness, but a celebration of the immense strength and resilience of women.” – Anonymous

“Pregnancy is a transformative journey that prepares you for the grand adventure of motherhood.” – Mandy Hale

“Pregnancy is a time to let go of expectations and embrace the unpredictable nature of life.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a lesson in patience and surrender, teaching us to trust the natural flow of life.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is a reminder that life is a precious gift and should be cherished.” – Marion Francis

“Pregnancy is a time of anticipation, nurturing, and falling in love with a tiny, miraculous being.” – Unknown

“Pregnancy is an invitation to marvel at the wonders of the human body and the miracle of creation.” – Unknown