“God is not outside of you but within you.” – Rumi

“The kingdom of God is within you.” – Jesus Christ

“You are a divine vessel, carrying the presence of God within you.” – Unknown

“The divine spark resides within your own consciousness.” – Paramahansa Yogananda

“You are a walking temple of God.” – Unknown

“God is not found in a place, but in your heart.” – Sadhguru

“The closer you look within, the more you will find God’s presence.” – Unknown

“Your body is a temple, and God dwells within you.” – Apostle Paul

“Awaken to the realization that God is within you, guiding your every step.” – Unknown

“You are a soul with God inside, experiencing life through your body.” – Eckhart Tolle

“God’s love flows through you, for you are a channel of divine energy.” – Unknown

“The divine light shines within you, illuminating your path.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Your true essence is the reflection of God’s presence within you.” – Unknown

“The divine spark within you cannot be extinguished; it is eternal.” – Unknown

“Within you is the power of God, capable of transforming your life.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Open your heart to the awareness of God’s presence within you.” – Unknown HAPPY AS I AM QUOTES

“God’s voice speaks from within you, guiding you on your journey.” – Unknown

“God is the source of your strength, residing within you.” – Unknown

“You are a vessel of God’s love, sharing it with the world around you.” – Unknown

“The divine presence within you is your greatest source of power and wisdom.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

“The more you connect with the divinity within, the closer you become to God.” – Paramahamsa Nithyananda

“God’s energy flows through your thoughts, words, and actions, manifesting your reality.” – Unknown

“You are never alone, for God’s spirit resides within you.” – Unknown

“Recognize the divine presence within, and you will see God in everyone and everything.” – Unknown

“God’s love is always present within you, waiting to be acknowledged and shared.” – Unknown

“Within you lies the power to create miracles, for you are connected to the divine.” – Wayne Dyer

“Your body is a sacred vessel, carrying the divine essence of God within.” – Unknown

“When you are connected to the divinity within, miracles happen.” – Deepak Chopra

“God’s love acts as a compass, guiding your every decision when you tune into the Source within.” – Unknown

“Within you is the infinite wisdom of God, waiting to be tapped into and expressed.” – Unknown