“Love is patient, love is kind, and it understands that anxiety is just a small part of who you are.”

“I may not always understand what you’re feeling, but I will always be here to support you.”

“In your times of anxiety, I will be your calm and safe place to rest.”

“Loving someone with anxiety means accepting their fears and insecurities, and reassuring them that you’re not going anywhere.”

“Anxiety may try to hold you back, but I’ll always be here pushing you forward.”

“Your anxiety doesn’t define you, but it certainly doesn’t diminish my love for you.”

“I will hold your hand through your anxious moments, reminding you that you’re never alone.”

“Loving someone with anxiety means understanding that sometimes they just need time and space to breathe.”

“I’m not afraid of your anxiety, because my love for you is stronger than any fear.”

“Anxiety may be a battle you face every day, but I promise to always fight alongside you.”

“Loving someone with anxiety is being their safe place even when their mind is a storm.”

“Sometimes your anxiety may make you doubt yourself, but I’ll always believe in you.”

“No matter how many ups and downs anxiety brings, my love for you remains constant.” QUOTES ABOUT THE PRESENCE OF GOD

“I will help you face your anxieties head-on, reminding you that you are stronger than them.”

“Loving someone with anxiety means being a source of comfort in their times of distress.”

“Your anxiety may make you question my love, but I assure you, it is unwavering.”

“I may not always understand what you’re going through, but I will always be there to listen.”

“Loving someone with anxiety means being their anchor when their mind feels lost at sea.”

“Your anxiety doesn’t make you any less deserving of love, and I’m here to remind you of that every day.”

“I will never judge or belittle your anxiety, but instead, I will stand by your side, offering nothing but support.”

“Anxiety may try to steal your happiness, but I will do everything in my power to protect it.”

“I will be your beacon of hope when anxiety tries to cloud your vision.”

“Loving someone with anxiety means celebrating their small victories and understanding their setbacks.”

“Your anxiety takes a toll on you, but remember, it doesn’t make you any less lovable.”

“I choose to love you, anxiety and all, because you are worth it.”