“A short nap is better than no nap, and a long nap is better than no sleep.” – Nicholas Hudson

“Napping is my way of restarting the day.” – Randy Pausch

“Sometimes, all you need is a little nap to recharge your soul.” – Anonymous

“Napping: the most natural way to recharge your energy.” – Anonymous

“Napping is the ultimate power move.” – Unknown

“A 20-minute power nap can make a world of difference.” – Unknown

“Napping is essential to my creative process.” – Salvador Dali

“A well-timed nap can be the difference between a good day and a great day.” – Unknown

“Naps are like a mini vacation for your mind.” – Unknown

“Eyes closed, worries gone, mind at peace – that’s the magic of a nap.” – Unknown

“Napping is the pause button that refreshes your body and mind.” – Unknown

“If you think you don’t have time for a nap, that’s usually when you need one the most.” – Unknown

“No matter how busy life gets, always make time for a quick cat nap.” – Unknown DONE WORKING QUOTES

“Napping allows you to reboot your brain and start the day anew.” – Unknown

“The best things in life often come after a good nap.” – Unknown

“Napping is like hitting ‘reset’ on your energy level.” – Unknown

“In the midst of chaos, a nap can be your sanctuary.” – Unknown

“Everything seems more manageable after a good nap.” – Unknown

“Napping is not a waste of time; it’s an investment in your overall well-being.” – Unknown

“Naps are the secret ingredient to a life well-lived.” – Unknown

“Embrace the beauty of napping and let it energize your spirit.” – Unknown

“A quick nap can turn your day from drab to fab.” – Unknown

“Napping is a form of self-care; it’s a gift you give yourself.” – Unknown

“A nap is a gentle reminder that you deserve a break.” – Unknown

“Napping is a privilege enjoyed by the wise and well-rested.” – Unknown