“God is within you. Realize this truth and you will find liberation.”

“Sing the praises of the Lord, for they bring peace and joy to the heart.”

“Remember the Divine Name and you shall find eternal peace.”

“Serve all beings as the embodiments of the Divine and you shall attain liberation.”

“Surrender your ego to the Lord, and you shall find bliss and fulfillment.”

“The Divine is all-pervading and present in every soul. Realize this unity and you will attain enlightenment.”

“Develop love and compassion towards all beings, and you will find true happiness.”

“The true Guru is the embodiment of love and compassion. Seek his guidance and you will find enlightenment.”

“Abide by the truth and live a righteous life, for it is the path to liberation and eternal bliss.”

“In the remembrance of the Divine Name, all fears and troubles are dispelled.”

“The Divine is ever-present, guiding and protecting those who have faith in Him.”

“Focus your mind on the Guru’s teachings and you will find peace and liberation.”

“Realize the eternal truth that all beings are interconnected, and act accordingly with love and compassion.” QUOTES ABOUT FATHER WHO HAS PASSED AWAY

“Let go of attachment and desires, and embrace contentment. This is the key to happiness.”

“In the company of the holy, one can attain true wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.”

“Serve others selflessly and you shall find fulfillment and joy in life.”

“Focus your mind on the Divine and you will find inner peace and serenity.”

“In the company of the Guru, all sorrows and suffering are dispelled. Seek his guidance and find solace.”

“Do not discriminate between religions, for the Divine resides in all.”

“True happiness lies in the realization of the Divine presence within yourself and all beings.”

“Let go of all ego and surrender to the Divine Will. This is the path to liberation.”

“Realize that all the wealth of the world is transitory, and focus on attaining spiritual wealth.”

“In the remembrance of the Divine Name, all sins are washed away and one attains purification.”

“See the Divine in every soul and treat everyone with love and respect.”

“Surrender your worries and anxieties to the Divine, and you will find peace and tranquility.”