“My imaginary friend gets me completely, which makes it even more concerning since they only exist in my head.”

“I call my mental breakdowns ‘mind vacations,’ because who doesn’t need a spontaneous trip to insanity every now and then?”

“I’m currently on the waiting list for my appointment with sanity. It’s a long queue.”

“My mental breakdowns have become so frequent that I’m thinking of putting them on my résumé as ‘real-life improv skills.'”

“I don’t always have mental breakdowns, but when I do, I make sure to lock the doors, turn off the phone, and wear a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on my forehead.”

“They say laughter is the best medicine, but I’m pretty sure my psychiatrist has a different opinion.”

“I like to think of my mental breakdowns as an intense, interactive performance art piece. It’s all about perspective, right?”

“When life hands you lemons, throw them back and have a mental breakdown instead. It’s more entertaining.”

“My mental breakdowns have become so regular that I’m thinking of getting a punch card for therapy, like a loyalty program.”

“To-do lists stress me out, so I’ve started making ‘Done’ lists instead. It’s more satisfying to mentally check off the breakdowns I’ve already had.”

“My mental breakdowns are like my own personal reality show, but with terrible ratings.”

“I like to think of my mental breakdowns as my brain’s way of demanding an intermission from reality.” BEST QUOTES FOR OVERTHINKING

“If my mental breakdowns were a form of exercise, I’d have Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biceps by now.”

“Sometimes I’m worried that my mental breakdowns are having mental breakdowns of their own. It’s like mind-ception.”

“I’m convinced that my mental breakdowns are just my brain’s way of telling me to take a mental vacation and relax.”

“They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Well, I’ve admitted it, now what?”

“I’m thinking about opening a mental spa, where you can pay to have a full-on breakdown without the judgment or consequences.”

“If mental breakdowns burned calories, I’d be the fittest person on the planet.”

“My brain keeps throwing surprise parties for my sanity, but nobody RSVPs.”

“My mind and I have a love-hate relationship. Sometimes we break up, but we always end up getting back together for the makeup breakdowns.”

“I’ve come to realize my mental breakdowns are like Groundhog Day: they happen over and over again, but Bill Murray isn’t there to make it funny.”

“Mental breakdowns are like birthdays, they seem to happen more often the older you get.”

“I once tried to have a mental breakdown on schedule, but life had other plans. Turns out, you can’t always pencil it in.”