“The only time a boss should tell you to ‘have a seat’ is when you’re too tired from working hard!”

“My boss told me ‘Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.’ Now I’m sitting in Human Resources dressed as Spider-Man.”

“My boss told me I intimidate my coworkers. So I stared at them until they stopped being scared. Mission accomplished!”

“The difference between the boss and the employee? The boss says, ‘I’; the employee says, ‘We’. And by ‘We’, I mean ‘We need a raise!'”

“My boss called a meeting to discuss ‘the elephant in the room’. Turns out, the elephant was my coworker’s loud snoring during office nap time!”

“Working under a great boss is like being in a happy submarine – you dive deep into work and occasionally surface for fresh air and pizza!”

“The best way to motivate employees is to give them a cool boss who shows up on Fridays with donuts and leaves early on Mondays!”

“Being the boss doesn’t make you a leader, just like having a brain doesn’t make you a rocket scientist!”

“If you ever feel worthless, just remember that your boss once interviewed several people for your job and chose you!”

“My boss and I have a great relationship. He tells jokes, and I pretend to laugh.”

“The boss asked me to prioritize tasks, so now I just close my eyes and do whatever my finger lands on. It’s a fun surprise for everyone!” QUOTES ON SELF MADE MAN

“The boss said, ‘I’ll never ask you to do something I wouldn’t do myself.’ So now we’re all just waiting for him to quit and find another job.”

“The boss claims we have an ‘open-door policy’, but every time I try to use it, he changes his name to ‘Closed for Repairs’!”

“I asked my boss if I could leave work early, and he said ‘yes’. Then I woke up from my dream and dreadfully prepared for another long day!”

“My boss loves telling motivational stories to boost our spirits. The only problem is, they don’t always have a happy ending… or a beginning… or any relevance to work…”

“My boss said I’m like a spring flower – beautiful and blooming. Probably because I spend half my day daydreaming about vacations in Hawaii!”

“Sometimes I feel like my boss is watching me. I guess that’s why he insists on clear glass office walls and installed a surveillance camera in every corner!”

“The boss said he values our thoughts, so we started a suggestion box. Three months later, it’s still empty, just like his promises!”

“My boss asked me to work overtime. I told him I don’t mind going the extra mile, as long as he orders pizza for the extra miles I drive!”

“The boss told us to ‘think outside the box’, but then got mad when we used the printer box for a Fort-Knox-style pillow fort!”

“Working for my boss is like being on a roller coaster – it’s thrilling, unpredictable, and I sometimes question my life choices!”