“Achilles, Hades of the battlefield, immense, godlike Achilles…”

“I have learned to have a choice of evils. I have learned to no longer be eager for battle.”

“I hate that man like the very Gates of Death who says one thing but hides another in his heart.”

“And if I return from the war, with the Argives at my back, dear heart, we will make the sweetest love together.”

“Godlike Achilles! All this time I held you dear, as if my own blood.”

“Achilles and his companions killed 12 Trojan captains and took their horses.”

“For my mother, the goddess Thetis, foretold that either I am killed by a man beloved by the gods or I die an old man in Troy.”

“I’m leading the Greeks into war even without you.”

“Now, then, in this our fifty-ninth year, great Achilles, once again against Troy. Alone among the Greeks, you have no fear of sea-water.”

“I have no strength left for a fight.”

“It’s worse than a loss to take the life of brave Hector, instead of Achilles. Oh cruel god.”

“He stood on the shore and called on the god of the Sea, asking for your life to be spared.”

“But Achilles was beside himself with rage, ready to jump into the sea and drown himself.”

“Achilles, your soul is harmed with godly prayers. It cost you dear.”

“No one and nothing can heal this vast affliction brought by the gods.” STRONG WORKING MOM QUOTES

“Father Zeus, you have again the upper hand. Son of Hipponoos, or not, it’s all one to you.”

“You prune them down, Achaians check on you. None of the elders oppose you.”

“Though this should mean a day for us, this day will decide the fate of blacks.”

“Tell him what happened, and don’t omit a thing, so Achilles is well informed.”

“You have bravery, like any god, Achilles. I know it.”

“The whole Greek camp has heard of your violent bursts.”

“It’s no use talking to you, Achilles, in such a mood.”

“Achilles, most divine of all our arjuna, the godly Trojan ships rise like flames beyond the walls.”

“Our city trembles, and I fear it falls forever.”

“Athena herself stands at the ramparts, restraining the anger of Achilles.”

“We’re shaken Achilles, to tears, our hearts in our throats, watching how terribly that man sacrifices to the war gods.”

“Patroclus died, as his destiny had it.”

“We’ve come to ask you to lay down your anger, Achilles.”