“I’m not actually an angel, but I play one in your dreams.”

“I’m an angel, but not the one with the halo and wings. I’m the one with horns and a sarcastic attitude.”

“Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.”

“I’m not sure if I’m an angel, but I definitely have a devilish sense of humor.”

“Angels have wings to remind us that laughter can take us to heavenly places.”

“I’ve been told that I’m an angel, but that halo is just a disguise for my mischievous nature.”

“They say laughter is the music of the angels. Well, I must be playing a greatest hits album.”

“I’m an angel – the naughty kind that can’t stay out of trouble.”

“Angels may not always sing, but they sure can crack a good joke.”

“Angels are usually associated with peace, but this one prefers to foster chuckles.”

“Why be an angel, when you can be a comedian and make Heaven laugh?”

“I told the angels it was time for comedy hour in Heaven, and apparently, they sent me down here.”

“Why do angels always have wings? Because they need them to fly away from my hilarious antics.” HAPPY MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR SISTER

“I may not have the typical angelic appearance, but I’ve got enough humor to bring Heaven down to earth.”

“Angels may be heavenly beings, but they definitely have a wicked sense of humor.”

“I don’t need angel wings to fly – laughter is my superpower.”

“I’m an angel, but my halo keeps slipping because of all the laughter.”

“Angels can carry messages of hope, but they also deliver laughs courtesy of yours truly.”

“Don’t worry if you see me laughing uncontrollably – my angelic duties include spreading joy through humor.”

“I can’t promise miracles, but I can certainly make you laugh like an angel.”

“Angels may be divine, but they also appreciate a good joke.”

“I’m not sure if I’m an angel, but I’ve got a knack for turning frowns into smiles.”

“Heaven isn’t just about halos and harps – there’s a stand-up comedy club up there too.”

“Why did the angel go to comedy school? To perfect their heavenly humor.”

“If laughter is contagious, then consider me an angel of infectious joy.”