“Friendship is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its true warmth.”

“I told my friend she should embrace her mistakes – she hugged me.”

“I asked my friend if she had any plans for the weekend and she said she wanted to sleep for 48 hours straight. I replied, ‘Wow, that’s a lot of beauty sleep – you must be exhausted!'”

“My friend asked me if I could lend her $10, so I sent her a picture of me holding a dollar bill.”

“I told my friend to embrace her weirdness. She looked at me and said, ‘You mean, date it openly?'”

“Friendship is so important that even the ants have ‘ants’ as friends.”

“I told my friend that I missed her. She replied, ‘I missed me too! I haven’t seen myself in ages!'”

“Remember, a true friend is someone who thinks you’re a good egg even though they know you’re slightly cracked.”

“I saw my friend at the grocery store and asked her why she was buying a gallon of milk. She said, ‘I heard it’s a good source of vitamin ‘D’elightful conversations with you.'”

“Friendship is finding out that you do weird things too and bonding over it.”

“You can always count on a friend to be there when you need them… with a bag of snacks and no judgment.”

“Sometimes, being a good friend means helping each other hide the evidence.” MOTHER TWIN DAUGHTER QUOTES

“True friends don’t judge each other; they judge other people together.”

“My friend told me she wanted to be rich and beautiful. So, I gave her a box of money and sent her a mirror.”

“I accidentally texted my friend about how annoying she can be, and she replied with, ‘Well, thank you for sharing this valuable information with me. I’ll make a note in my diary titled ‘Important Life Lessons’.'”

“Friendship is like a good bra – it lifts you up, supports you, and won’t let you down.”

“My friend called me in a panic, saying she’d lost her phone. I asked her how she was talking to me, and she said, ‘I borrowed my neighbor’s phone. Their cat keeps rubbing against my legs, so I’m convinced it’s trying to call me.'”

“Friendship is knowing you can be yourself, make weird faces, and still be loved.”

“My friend is like a beautiful sunrise – she makes every morning brighter, even before coffee.”

“I told my friend that her friendship is like a four-leaf clover – hard to find and lucky to have. She replied, ‘But I’m Irish, so that’s basically expected.'”

“Friendship is when you can openly share embarrassing stories and know they won’t be used as blackmail later.”

“My friend said she wants to be a baker when she grows up. I asked her why, and she said, ‘Well, I want to turn my life’s mistakes into delicious cakes.'”

“Friendship is sharing your food and never judging each other for ordering the whole dessert menu.”