“Time will tell, whether you were right or wrong.”

“Only time will tell if our efforts were worth it.”

“In the end, time will tell the true story.”

“Patience is key, for time will always reveal the answers.”

“Don’t rush for answers, let time reveal the truth.”

“Time is a great revealer, it will expose all secrets.”

“Trust the process, for time will tell if it was worthwhile.”

“Uncertainty can be resolved with time’s insights.”

“There is no rush, for time will eventually provide clarity.”

“Time is the ultimate judge, it will reveal all intentions.”

“Don’t worry about what others say, time will be the ultimate judge.”

“Time is an unbiased witness that will expose the truth.”

“The truth stands the test of time and reveals itself eventually.”

“The passage of time will separate the genuine from the fake.”

“Remember, time has a way of showing us what truly matters.” JUST BECAUSE WE CAN DOESN T MEAN WE SHOULD QUOTE

“Every mystery unravels with the passage of time.”

“Time has a funny way of revealing our true colors.”

“Don’t be in a hurry, give time the chance to tell its tale.”

“Trust the wisdom of time, it will guide us to the right answer.”

“Time whispers the truth, if we are willing to listen.”

“Time will unfold the answers to life’s biggest questions.”

“Don’t be disillusioned by temporary situations, time will unveil the reality.”

“Don’t fret about the past, time will heal all wounds.”

“The value of time lies in its ability to tell the story of our lives.”

“Time will tell us if we made the right choices.”

“Nothing remains hidden forever, time will expose it all.”

“Give time a chance to reveal the surprises it holds.”

“With patience, time will tell us if we were wise or foolish.”

“Cherish the present, for time will make it a fond memory.”