“I’m not feeling very worky today. Can that be a valid excuse for a day off?”

“Taking a day off work to remember what it feels like to not be stressed is a legitimate mental health strategy.”

“The key to a successful day off work is setting an alarm, then turning it off and going back to sleep.”

“I’m not saying I’m lazy, but my perfect day off work involves Netflix, pajamas, and a zero percent chance of responsibility.”

“A day off work is like a mental health spa treatment; it’s a necessary indulgence for sanity!”

“When salespeople ask me what I do for a living on my day off work, I say, ‘Nothing.’ They then ask, ‘How much does that pay?'”

“Day off work tip: pretend you are on an exotic vacation by wearing sunglasses, drinking fruity drinks, and lounging on your couch.”

“I don’t take sick days; I take ‘I’m-sick-of-work’ days.”

“The best part about a day off work is not having to wear pants. Pajama bottoms are acceptable work attire, right?”

“The hardest decision on a day off work is choosing between Netflix, napping, or just staring into space.”

“On my day off work, I always feel like I’m forgetting something important, like my job.”

“I’m taking a day off work because I’m all out of coffee and motivation.”

“The hardest work I do on my day off work is deciding which takeout restaurant to order from.”

“A day off work is the perfect opportunity to catch up on all those shows my coworkers keep talking about but I have no idea what they’re saying.”

“If work is considered a necessary evil, then a day off work is the necessary good.”

“A day off work should be its own national holiday. We could call it ‘National Doing Absolutely Nothing Day.'” QUOTES ABOUT NEW FRIENDS

“On my day off work, I like to play a little game called ‘How many hours can I stay in bed without feeling guilty?'”

“I don’t always take a day off work, but when I do, it’s glorious.”

“The greatest luxury in life is having absolutely zero work responsibilities on a day off.”

“There’s something magical about waking up naturally without an alarm on a day off work. It’s like a gift from the universe.”

“A day off work is like finding a golden ticket to the chocolate factory, except the chocolate factory is my bed.”

“I love the sound of a day off work. It sounds like peace, relaxation, and a whole lot of nothing.”

“If I won the lottery, I’d take a day off work every day for the rest of my life.”

“Taking a day off work is like pressing the reset button on my brain. It’s a chance to recharge and remember what it’s like to be human.”

“Does anyone else plan their day off work by calculating how many naps they can squeeze in?”

“The secret to a successful day off work is eating breakfast in bed, lunch in bed, and dinner in bed… unless you run out of food, then the secret becomes getting out of bed.”

“A day off work is like a mini vacation, only without the hassle of packing or the expense of a plane ticket.”

“Who needs a day off work when you can just pretend to be incredibly sick and watch reruns of your favorite show all day?”

“I don’t always take a day off work, but when I do, I make sure to replace productivity with Netflix and potato chips.”

“A day off work should be classified as our constitutional right to happiness, relaxation, and an unlimited supply of snacks.”