“You are not God, so stop trying to control everything and everyone.”

“You may have power, but remember that you are not God; our destinies lie in something greater.”

“Recognize your limits and acknowledge that you are not God; let go of the need to be in control.”

“No matter how successful or influential you become, remember that you are not God; stay humble.”

“The world existed before you and will continue to exist after you; you are not God.”

“You may think you know best, but remember that you are not God; be open to different perspectives.”

“Your ego may want you to believe you are God, but reality will always remind you that you are not.”

“Don’t let the illusion of power make you forget that you are not God; respect the inherent worth of all beings.”

“The sooner you accept that you are not God, the sooner you can live a more authentic and meaningful life.”

“Stop playing God in the lives of others; everyone has their own journey to navigate.”

“Control is an illusion; you are not God, so embrace the uncertainty and surrender to the flow of life.” NEW MAMA QUOTES

“Let go of the need to be God-like and accept your humanity; it is in our vulnerabilities that we find strength.”

“Life becomes more beautiful and meaningful when you realize you are not God; appreciate the miracles that unfold naturally.”

“Understanding that you are not God brings a sense of liberation; embrace the freedom to be imperfect.”

“You may have the power to shape your own life, but remember that you are not God; be open to divine guidance.”

“Arrogance blinds you to the truth that you are not God; embrace humility and learn from others.”

“Respect the boundaries of nature and acknowledge that you are not God; live in harmony with the world around you.”

“The desire for control stems from the illusion that you are God; release this burden and find true peace within.”

“When you realize you are not God, the pressure to be perfect fades away; embrace your flaws and imperfections.”

“Remember that you are not God, but rather a mere participant in the cosmic dance of life; surrender to the rhythm and find joy in the journey.”