I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling hurt. Here are 30 quotes that express the sentiment of missing someone who has hurt you:

“Sometimes, the person you miss the most is the one who hurt you the most.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who doesn’t deserve you only means you love yourself enough to be hurt.” – Unknown

“Missing someone and not being able to do anything about it can hurt more than any betrayal ever could.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who used to be a part of your life is like going through withdrawal; it takes time and strength to heal.” – Unknown

“Missing someone you once loved is like having a broken heart that will never completely heal.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder of the pain they inflicted, but also an opportunity to grow and heal.” – Unknown

“Missing someone is a part of moving forward, acknowledging that they no longer deserve to be in your life.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a sign that you’re healing, that you’re ready to let go and move on.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder of the lessons learned and the strength gained through the pain.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who caused you pain is a reminder of the strength it took to walk away.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a bittersweet reminder that you deserve better.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself to heal and move forward.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a sign that you’re ready to heal and forgive, but not forget.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a step towards freedom, towards finding yourself again.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is like missing a poison that once made you sick.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder to never allow yourself to be treated that way again.” – Unknown FAMILY PHOTO QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Missing someone who hurt you is a sign that you’re becoming stronger, that you’re letting go of the pain.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder of how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a testament to your strength, to your ability to love and let go.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder to be kind to yourself, to protect your heart from further pain.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is proof that you’re capable of forgiveness and growth.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder that their absence is a gift, an opportunity for better things to come.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is like missing the rain when you finally get to taste the sunshine.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder that some people are not meant to be in your life, and that’s okay.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder that you deserve to be surrounded by love and positivity.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder to choose happiness and to let go of toxic people.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a sign that healing is a journey, not a destination.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder that pain is temporary, but the lessons learned stay with you forever.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder to stay true to yourself and never settle for less than you deserve.” – Unknown

“Missing someone who hurt you is a reminder that your worth is not defined by their actions.” – Unknown

Remember, it’s important to focus on healing and moving forward from any pain that someone has caused you.